Experiential Education with Community Food Systems
Principal Investigator: Jeana Wirtenberg, PhD
Community Partner: Newark Science and Sustainability Inc.
Location: Newark
Food security—ensuring access to the right quantity of affordable, nutritious food—is a major issue in Newark, where nearly one in four residents live at or below poverty level, and access to fresh, healthy food can be limited. The impact of food insecurity as a social determinant of human health is profound.
This project is the continuation of a previous REACH collaboration between Rutgers Institute for Corporate Social Innovation (RICSI) and Newark Science and Sustainability Inc. Past work has promoted healthy eating, healthy living practices, and environmental education. In this next phase, investigators will conduct qualitative and quantitative research to guide future investment of resources, ensuring sustainability. The project will also provide experiential education opportunities for new Rutgers student interns, as well as mentoring experiences for previous interns and graduate students.